Each of the kids have an individual basket. They store their math workbooks (Math-U-See), Handwriting Books (Handwriting Without Tears), and Grammar (Language of God/Easy Grammar), artwork, copywork and other loose papers in these baskets . They also have a zippered pencil pouch where their own pens and pencils are supposed to be kept. That way, we don't have the ten minute search for a certain pencil or pen...The baskets had really piled up with a lot of extra junk (Marie's had about $2.00 in coins, and at the bottom of Meg's were all the extra pencils in the house--about 50 or so!)
Here is the before picture:
Here is the after:
Better! :) I wish I could have tackled a bit more today but I was waaaay behind on laundry and got a lot of that done along with a library trip to pick up a few books and a trip to be fitted for a new jumper for Rose to dance in at the Irish Fest! Both Rose and Grace are looking forward to Green Week--their first as Irish Dancers! :)
Now, tomorrow I hope to continue working on boxing up school books that we are not currently using and relocating a lot of other books to other bookshelves in the kids' rooms. :)
Good night! Rose is ready to read-aloud from Mummies in the Morning--gotta go!
Look at those nice, tidy baskets!
Posted by: Our Magnum Opus | January 15, 2008 at 08:50 PM